Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Bad Emily

Hey all,

So I've been really bad and haven't been posting here.  So here's a massive update on what we've been up to .  First off, we have another artist to help with the workload.  This way, Sam can focus on all the character art while he does the background stuff.  We have been fixing a ton of bugs too.  We also started working on getting the level and story finalized and straightened out.  Eyleen's been dishing out menus right and left, and I am getting sounds in the game.  For now we are just going to do sound effects.  The biggest thing that has been happening though is the AI that Jordan posted about.  While there are still a few kinks to work out, that has been progressing very smoothly.  Overall, I feel that this term we are doing a lot better than we have been in the past, and I am excited about this.  We even had people playing the game!  Granted they just ran around and threw fireballs or shot arrows at stationary enemies, but they enjoyed it.  They liked how the controls were laid out very simply. 


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Menus connected and functional

The game's menus [main menu, pause menu, game over menu, load/save menus] are now fully connected and functional. Progress Journal exists and works within a testing capacity [no connection to game events yet].
Main additions include confirmation dialogues for major decisions. For the confirmation dialogues think Word prompting to save upon exit. Also the load/save menus, which include nine save slots [eight for the user to use and one for an autosave].

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hey everyone. I haven't made a blog post in quite a while now, so here goes. We've completely scrapped the AI we were working on during the first two terms and replaced it with something that should be a lot better. Thankfully I'm taking two AI classes alongside this project, and they've already been an enormous help.

We have a great new finite state machine design, as well as goal-driven behavior. Basically each character decides which of several goals is of the highest priority, and when it figures that out it instantiates a new state machine with that particular goal in mind, which then controls its behavior. Goals are things like "attack this," "aid my ally over there" or "I need to stay away from enemies to survive." The state machine then takes care of finer actions that will help towards lowering the goal's priority.

We also have been working on pathfinding, so characters can find their way to their goal while avoiding obstacles. We're still working out the kinks in that.

- Jordan

Sunday, February 2, 2014

First C Term Post

Happy New Year!  And Happy February!

So, we've gotten revisions to the state machine under way. currently I'm working on the table outlining the state transitions for our Warrior, Mage, and Rogue.  Once the state machine is finalized, I can add these in and we'll be able to fight the enemies in our game.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cumulative Art Post!

New Stuffs:

Here are all the animations That are completed, organized by character!




Dire Wolf:
