Friday, November 22, 2013

Great news! When party members run out of health, they become incapacitated and fall down. Only when all three party members are down do you lose the game. When all enemies on the map are killed, the entire party is revived.

Art- like things




Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hey everyone.  Emily here.  Spent some time this week updating the design doc.  Wanted to make sure that we are keeping that up to date, especially since we completely redesigned the abilities.  We have finalized key mapping, but hopefully we can make it so that people can map them themselves.

We are trying to complete the warrior abilities, because we are behind on that.  That means that the mage abilities were pushed back a bit.  I'm not worried though.  All of the other character's abilities are based off the same basic structure.

Art is on a good course too.  Hopefully the character stuff will be completed in the next couple weeks.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

HUD 2.0

The new, more colorful HUD is live. Codewise, it's fully connected to Player and taking orders from there. Man-sized potion bottles also appear everytime an enemy is defeated. Potions can be picked up and used to heal 50 hp/mp pre potion, provided there are potions left in the inventory. The player-controlled character is the one whose health or stamina is restored.