Thursday, December 19, 2013

Done with B-term

Alright, so we are finished with B-term.  This past week, I was bad, and worked on almost no tech, instead focusing on preparing for the end of term, next term, updating documents, and finalizing tasks over break.  I also did some bug catching, opening up the game and playing around to find bugs.  I'll probably continue that throughout break, as well as implementing placeholder sounds.  I already figured out how to do this, I just need to figure out where to put stuff now.

Here's a list of what we completed this term:
  • Text
  • Health
  • Stamina
  • HUD
  • Keybindings
  • Interactable NPCs
  • Items
    • Dropped by enemies
    • Picked up by player
    • Used by player
  • Able to change between characters
  • Warrior abilities
  • Mage abilities
  • rogue abilities
  • character death and revival
  • Main Menu
  • Game over
  • Pause


  • Warrior potion
  • warrior pain
  • warrior dying
  • warrior dead
  • warrior reviving
  • mage run
  • mage idle
  • mage ability 1
  • mage ability 2
  • mage ability 3
  • mage projectile
  • explosion
  • mage potion
  • mage pain
  • mage dying
  • mage dead
  • mage reviving
  • rogue run
  • rogue idle
  • rogue ability 1
  • rogue ability 2
  • rogue ability 3
  • arrow
  • rogue potion
  • rogue pain
  • rogue dyng
  • rogue dead
  • rogue reviving
  • dire wolf idle
  • dire wolf attack

For C-term, we will finish saving and loading, finish rough for all the art, probably by hiring a new artist, and start adding final sounds. I am taking a digital sound class next term, so I will hopefully be able to work on that stuff in class.

We will also focus a lot of the beginning of the term on AI. Hopefully we will get at least a beta of one 'section' by the end of the term.


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